Plastic Linings
Plastic Linings
... are used to protect aboveground and underground concrete wastewater containers and sump trays, chemical storage facilities, and chemical apparatuses, as a substitute for paints, construction screeds, rubber coating, enamel, etc.
- a foil is used as a loose lining of containers and sumps, most often in thicknesses of 2–5 mm
- a foil with protrusions for anchoring into concrete is used for pressure insulations that exactly copy the surface,
- PE-100 (PE-HD) is the most commonly used material for linings of containers, sumps and chemical storage tanks
- linings of chemical apparatus are made of PVC, PVDF, E-CTFE, PFA and FEP
- integrity and tightness tests are performed with an electric spark according to the Czech standard CSN EN 13100-4